Join a support group. Get around others who love or are learning to love
Learn something new. Be kind to your mind. Continuous learning keeps your
mind fresh.
Meditation and journaling makes it easier to stay peaceful regardless of
what is going on in the outside world. They are both amazing tools for self-growth and insightfulness.
Accept yourself for who you are – light and shadow. Tap into your
Inner Goddess for strength and understanding of the parts of you want to change.
5. Act as if you already display confidence, beauty and power! (i.e., "Fake it till you make it")
Understand your life path. Try one of our Psychic Coaching sessions for
clarity or simply start listening to your soul.
7. Understand your rhythms. Keep your energy balanced and focused on what is most important.
8. Know the connection between the big Three… Change your vibe, Change your life, CHANGE YOUR
Stop all criticism and judgment. Be aware of self-talk, the voice inside
your head should be your best friend, don’t allow that voice to talk badly about your body or your decisions. Speak
to yourself in ways that are more kind, and less mean or abusive.
10. Surrender.
Stop scaring yourself and conjuring “what if’s”. Know that whatever the future brings God will be with you.
Let go, let God, let go, let God, let go, let God…
11. Stay
in the now. Practice mindfulness in all that you do (including all eating)!
12. Love yourself by honoring and fueling your passion. Painting, writing, flowers, baths, walking on the beach, - whatever
strikes your soul as beautiful.
13. Taking breaks and having fun are
important, treat yourself to things like a massage, a facial, a pedicure, or a gym membership, a night out with a friend.
Remember you deserve the best!
14. Praise yourself. Tell yourself
you are great and that you love yourself. Hug yourself, send nice emails to yourself, place your hand over your heart and
smile with love.
Ask for help when you need it and accept it graciously. It shows balance
between giving and receiving and allows those you love to give.
16. Forgive
yourself and others. You do not have to condone bad behavior but please, let the resentment and negativity go!
17. Honor your body. Listen to it, talk to it. Learn about what it likes nutritionally. Find exercise
that is fun. Remember to maintain your temple and your temple will serve you. Nourish and care for your body with fresh healthy
foods and regular exercise.
18. Mirror work. Look into your own
eyes often. See the beauty. Look into your eyes and see the Divine light and pronounce “I Love You!” Smile at
Take small steps. Understand that it takes time to establish a better relationship
with yourself or make a change, so have patience with you.
20. Use
positive affirmations that reflect your intentions or your inspirations. Take some time to come up with the qualities that
you most want to embody. Choose about two or three to focus on for any one period of time. Then try this for at least a month:
Stimulate your senses with new colors, smells, tastes and feelings.
22. See the abundance all around you. Look at life as Perfect and show gratitude for all.